SmartLivingNEXT lead project successfully completes first project quarter.

4. December 2023

4 minutes

The SmartLivingNEXT lead project provides the basis for the projects of the technology program and is thus working on a future-oriented smart living ecosystem. The interim results for the first quarter of the project are promising. Successes were achieved in the further development of Dataspace, the connection of basic services and the availability of building data.

SmartLivingNEXT Quartalbericht Bild Q4-2023

The third and fourth quarters of 2023 marked the start of the three-year research work for the SmartLivingNEXT flagship project. The kick-off meeting was held on September 7, 2023 at Materna in Berlin. The event was attended not only by representatives of all consortium partners, but also by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The task from this meeting for the first quarter of the project was clear: in particular, the technical infrastructure had to be created in order to create a prototype of the data room and connect the first data sources by the end of 2023.

SmartLivingNEXT Dataspace: Prototype developed

At the beginning, the SmartLivingNEXT Dataspace was evaluated with regard to the technical, business and operational components and the options for the future governance structure were analyzed. A core criterion in the design of the ecosystem is the Gaia-X conformity of the dataspace. It is planned that other projects will be able to use this modular dataspace blueprint in whole or in part to set up their own dataspaces and that the SmartLivingNEXT dataspace will have connectors to all relevant building technologies and also plugins for smart home systems.

Dataspace equipped with basic services for training AI

The consortium partner German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) has provided a system architecture that can accommodate the first basic services. These are AI-enriched services for data preparation and data analysis that can be accessed by all other applications on the platform in the same way.

Developers and project managers from the various lead project consortium partners were also involved in building up the knowledge of the SmartLivingNEXT community. In the first quarter of 2024, a glossary and a white paper focusing on the technical and organizational onboarding of the dataspace will be made available on the SmartLivingNEXT website.

First milestone reached: heat forecasts possible

In the SmartLivingNEXT lead project, the practical suitability is demonstrated by two use cases. In the “sustainable energy management” use case, a data portal for cross-building energy efficiency and heat planning is being developed for the public sector. The Dataspace bundles data on the building fabric with real consumption data and thus enables a system with which housing and real estate companies can derive potential savings. The first milestone that has already been reached is the ability to carry out heat forecasts on the physical and technical properties of buildings based on the DIN 4108-6, DIN 4701-10 and DIN 18599 series of standards.

Conclusion of the first quarter in the SmartLivingNEXT lead project: with the prototypical setup of the Dataspace and the connection of the first basic services and building and energy data, the first step towards the planned Dataspace infrastructure has been completed. Further adjustments will be made in the coming quarter. In the future, the Dataspace Blueprint or parts of it can be used to develop your own intelligent services and applications.

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Flagship project

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