The SmartLivingNEXT projects

In the SmartLivingNEXT ecosystem, digital service providers and manufacturers of physical components can generate innovative business models based on data and AI. A special feature of SmartLivingNEXT is that the participants are networked on an equal footing. In contrast to the pure integration of individual applications, systems, system families or residential buildings, SmartLivingNEXT creates a low-threshold offer to contribute to and benefit from a smart living ecosystem as a provider or consumer of data or services.
More about SmartLivingNEXT →ForeSightNEXT: The flagship project
As part of the SmartLivingNEXT technology program, a flagship project and several other research projects are working together to create a future-proof smart living ecosystem based on special technological foundations. ForeSightNEXT manages the technology program and develops structures, methods and services that are further developed, implemented and tested in other use cases by the SmartLivingNEXT projects, which work closely with the flagship project.
About SmartLivingNEXT flagship project→BIM-4-CARE
BIM-4-CARE records and harmonizes the knowledge gained from experience in care and the various perspectives of relevant stakeholders in home redesign. The project aims to improve the planning of care requirements, conversion measures and the technical implementation and interoperability of system installations.
About the BIM-4-Care project→COMET
The COMET project, which is part of the flagship project, collects labeled user data and develops a crowdsourcing app that enables the management of data access authorizations and data provision. This also allows you to call up individual information and statistics tailored to your own energy consumption.
About COMET→DuITeasy
The project focuses on the development of an Assistance Dataspace (ADS), as well as applications and basic services based on it. This ADS contains all the data, interfaces and systems required for individual assistance services. The everyday assistance use case uses the ADS to implement internal and external services and integrates a wide variety of system environments for this purpose. As part of the activity detection use case, the corresponding basic service is enriched with iMSys data and NILM procedures.
About the DuITeasy project→ExpliCareNEXT
The focus of ExpliCareNEXT is on simplifying care processes through digital artificial assistance, which enables unskilled workers to perform high-quality care activities. This is intended to counteract the growing shortage of skilled workers in Germany.
About the ExpliCareNEXT project→FAME4ME
FAME4ME analyzes the possibilities of using AI-supported algorithms for sustainable energy management in smart living and building environments. In particular, we are investigating how different user groups react to individualized dynamic electricity tariffs. The project supports the overarching climate neutrality goals, the efficient use of resources and applications of innovative digitalization technologies.
In GAiST, 500 apartments are expected to be equipped with AAL scenarios and a hospital information system (HIS) will be connected to the SmartLivingNEXT platform. In this way, patients, carers and doctors can be supported in their activities to make life in their own four walls more liveable. By using open source and medical and industrial standards, the project aims to reduce costs and personnel requirements in the healthcare sector.
About the GAiST project→