23. July 2024

SmartLivingNEXT – Data tap of the smart living ecosystem turned on

Smart living applications can make our homes more efficient, safer and more comfortable. However, the development of these applications is complicated and costly, and there is no ecosystem – Made in Germany.

To promote innovation in the smart living sector, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) is funding the SmartLivingNEXT technology program. The goal: a cross-manufacturer, sovereign and trustworthy ecosystem for all smart living services – a Catena X for the smart living sector, so to speak.

With the technology program “SmartLivingNEXT – Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Living and Living Environments”, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) is promoting the development of a universal, AI-based ecosystem for the simple and cost-effective development of intelligent and sustainability-oriented smart living services and applications. In particular, this enables uncomplicated and secure data exchange between all parties involved. The core of the ecosystem is the flagship project “ForeSightNEXT – Platform for Data, Artificial Intelligence and Services in the Smart Living Ecosystem”, which is developing the basic technologies and infrastructure for collaboration within the ecosystem.

In six complementary pilot projects, which are based on the structural elements of the flagship project, concrete, practical smart living applications for different areas of application are being developed and demonstrated. The funding volume amounts to around 20 million euros. In addition to the 35 funded project partners, numerous associated partners from industry and science are also involved. All information on the projects can be found here.

First milestone reached: connection of projects to Dataspace launched

The SmartLivingNEXT dataspace provides easy access to smart living data. Regardless of their physical storage location or the system from which they originate, the data remain in their original systems. This means that the authorized persons always have control over the data. The Dataspace is therefore an efficient and data protection-compliant access point for smart living data.

DuITeasy is now the first of the six application projects to use the blueprint of the SmartLivingNEXT dataspace to develop its use case. The first data from the test apartments of the project partners easierLife and German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) is now flowing into the Dataspace. This lays the foundation for further development and the connection of additional projects. DuITeasy plans to equip and connect more apartments this year.

The aim of DuITeasy is to develop an open, interoperable ecosystem for lifelong assistance services. The project integrates networked sensors, devices, ordering systems, delivery services and smart home data to create a consistent and customizable range of interlinked services. In practice, this means that DuITeasy is developing a solution in which lifelong assistance services can be provided in the living environment at an early stage and expanded on a modular basis as required.

In the coming weeks and months, all other application projects will also be connected to the SmartLivingNEXT Dataspace.

Determination of system capacities through load tests

The use of the Dataspace blueprint at DuITeasy also opens up new possibilities for the entire SmartLivingNEXT ecosystem: load tests can now be carried out. This determines how much influence the data from the linked devices has on the system’s resource consumption. The load tests allow conclusions to be drawn about system capacities and the costs of system usage for potential customers.

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