Terms of use
1. copyright and terms of use
The copyrights of all copyrighted content used in this public Internet offer (i.e. in this website, application, app or social media channel), such as images, videos, illustrations and texts, are held by the Forschungsvereinigung Elektrotechnik beim ZVEI e.V. (FE), unless otherwise stated. For example, “Source: FE” means that the copyrights are held by the Research Association for Electrical Engineering at ZVEI e.V. The respective copyright holders must be asked for permission (license) to use the material in each individual case before it is used.
1.a. Requesting a right of use if the copyright lies with the VU
If you would like to request an individual right of use for any content of this public website for which the copyright lies with the FE, please contact:
Maximilian Metzner
Head of Communication
Research Association for Electrical Engineering at ZVEI e. V. (FE)
(ZVEI Research Association Electrical Engineering)
Amelia-Mary-Earhart-Str. 12, 60549 Frankfurt
Mobile: +49 151 52271552
Email: maximilian.metzner@fe-zvei.org
1.b. Rights of use for content if the copyright is not held by the VU
Certain images, videos, illustrations or texts on the public website originate from sources other than the FE. Please contact the respective copyright holder with regard to the respective terms of use and obtaining the license for use.
Certain images, videos, illustrations or texts have multiple rights holders. These are marked accordingly as originating from several rights holders. In this case, the terms and conditions of use of all rights holders named in the source citation regularly apply. In cases of doubt, please contact all specified rights holders directly.
2. if applicable, Creative Commons license (CC license)
Where expressly stated (e.g. under “Information” on the respective work), images and videos of the FE and DLR are available under a Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-ND 3.0. Germany. This means that you may reproduce, distribute and make the work or content publicly accessible, but you may not make any modifications or adaptations of the work or content or use the respective work commercially. When used, the VU or DLR must be named explicitly and legibly as follows. Examples: “Image: DLR, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0”, “Images: DLR, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0”, “Video: DLR, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0”.
Images, videos, illustrations and texts that have no reference to a CC license and for which only the respective rights holder is indicated as the source (e.g.: “Source: DLR”) are not under CC license.
3. use of FE content by the press, radio and television
Contents of the public Internet offer for which no specific reference to a condition of use is given, i.e. for which either nothing is given regarding the conditions of use or for which the VU is given as the source without reference to specifically applicable conditions of use (examples: “Image: VU”, “Video: VU”) may be used by the press, radio and television stations as well as corresponding Internet information offers if the VU is named as the author. This does not include personal data such as photos or videos in which people can be identified or personal information such as names, email addresses, etc..
4. no restriction of the rights of others
The terms of use defined by the FE have no influence on the following rights:
- The rights to which everyone is entitled due to the limitations of copyright law (such as the right to quote) or due to legal permissions (established in some countries as the doctrine of fair use)
- The moral right of the rights holder
- Rights of other persons, either to the subject matter of the license itself or with regard to its use, for example the personal rights of persons depicted, trademark rights to protected trademarks, etc.
5. no rights of use for certain content
Any license to use copyrighted material, including the Creative Commons license, extends only to the use of copyrighted material. This does not include permission to use protected trademarks, such as the SmartLivingNEXT logo or the DLR logo and its components, or other elements of the SmartLivingNEXT corporate identity or the DLR corporate identity. Any permission to use trademarks must be requested separately from the respective owner of the trademark rights.