3. March 2024

 – 8. March 2024 

Frankfurt a.M.

Light + Building 2024

Light + Building 2024 will take place in Frankfurt from March 3 to 8, 2024 with over 2,000 national and international exhibitors. The latest developments in smart lighting solutions and innovative home and building technology will be shown live. The SmartLivingNEXT technology program funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) will also be presented. Michael Schidlack, consortium leader of the flagship project, will be speaking at the trade fair about the development of a universal data ecosystem for smart living, the technological foundations and the added value of smart living data, among other things.

Lecture date: Monday, 04.03.2024 from 10:20 – 10:40 a.m.
Presentation: SmartLivingNEXT – the cross-manufacturer ecosystem for all digital applications in residential buildings

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