GAiST: Successful trial run of sensor technology and vital data measurement in Siegburg

17. July 2024

1 Minute

The GAiST funding project took an important step in its project work at its 4th face-to-face meeting in Siegburg: the trial run of the sensor system and vital data measurement in the (provisional) model apartment was successfully completed.

The show apartment in Hamburg will now be implemented over the next few weeks. The question of how the GAiST project can help the city of Siegburg with the (digital) development of housing for older people was also clarified with Kaj Jessen from the Stadtbetriebe Siegburg AöR staff unit. The municipality is involved in the project as an associated partner. Siegburg hopes that the partnership will provide new insights for urban development. Other topics discussed at the meeting were ethical, legal and social aspects (ELSI for short), which will be coordinated with the two focus groups Dataspace & Dataspace Governance and User Perspective, Ethics Committees and Data Protection Officers of the ForeSightNEXT flagship project.

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