Kick-off meeting for the SmartLivingNEXT flagship project: the journey begins.

10. September 2023

3 minutes

The project kick-off of the SmartLivingNEXT flagship project took place in Berlin on September 7, 2023. The meeting marks the official launch of a pioneering project that will lay the foundations for a sustainable smart living ecosystem over the next three years.

SmartLivingNEXT Leitprojekt ForeSightNEXT

The event began with a warm welcome from Klaus Glasmacher from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK), who motivated the participants with enthusiasm and clear objectives for the project. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of collaboration, commitment and the planned technical innovations, which are crucial to the success of SmartLivingNEXT. The EUR 25 million technology program has a clear vision: SmartLivingNEXT is creating the first manufacturer-independent, sovereign and trustworthy ecosystem for all digital smart living services. This means that AI-based smart living services should be able to run in all digitized residential buildings and thus be quickly scalable, regardless of their manufacturer-specific equipment. These services are digital services to improve energy efficiency, home care, home security and living comfort.

SmartLivingNEXT Dataspace: basis for two use cases in the lead project

The agenda of the kick-off meeting included important points such as the definition of the project goals, the schedule and milestones, the roles and responsibilities, as well as communication and project management plans. In the SmartLivingNEXT lead project, a data space and a toolbox are to be created on the basis of the further developed ForeSight platform, which can be used as a blueprint for an attractive smart living ecosystem. The associated potential is demonstrated by implementing our own services and use cases in the SmartLivingNEXT lead project. The presentation of the two use cases “Climate-friendly energy management” and “Assistance / Germany as a healthcare location” by Filip Milojkovic (Materna) and Bruno Ristok (C&S) was therefore followed with great interest by the participants. The use cases are intended to show that the principles developed in the lead project can also be applied in practice and how the dataspace and toolbox can facilitate implementation. At the kick-off meeting, the teams from the eight consortium partners were able to get to know each other personally for the first time and discuss project-specific details. This direct exchange strengthened the team spirit and cooperation in the long term, as Michael Schidlack, Principal Researcher at the ZVEI Electrical Engineering Research Association and consortium leader of the SmartLivingNEXT lead project, noted at the end of the event. “This meeting provided valuable insights that will help us to efficiently drive forward the project ahead of us,” says Schidlack. The ForeSightNEXT project kick-off not only marked the start of a new initiative, but also a decisive step towards innovative solutions for a sustainable smart living ecosystem and its future success.

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Flagship project

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