Whitepaper SmartLivingNEXT: Guideline for an AI-based smart living ecosystem

26. August 2024

3 minutes

What will the technical infrastructure in residential buildings look like? The SmartLivingNEXT white paper describes for the first time in a concentrated form the strategic approach to the future of living and the technical upheaval in the smart living sector.

SmartLivingNEXT Leitprojekt Beitrag

Residential buildings are unique technological entities with different components and system environments that are often not compatible with each other. But how can the development and scaling of smart services for residential buildings still be achieved? The SmartLivingNEXT white paper answers precisely these and other questions relating to the digitalization of buildings. The document contains a clear guideline for the technical development of the SmartLivingNEXT Dataspace and the desired governance structure. It also describes the added value, fields of application, concept and technical onboarding of the ecosystem.

The main added value of the envisaged SmartLivingNEXT ecosystem lies in the fact that relevant data is more readily available than before. This will allow new digital services and smart applications to be generated for individual living situations and smart living, which will benefit everyone in the smart living sector: Manufacturers, digital service providers, tenants, owners, housing providers, municipal utilities, local authorities and external service providers.

The SmartLivingNEXT white paper describes the future design and potential of a smart living ecosystem in a concentrated form.

Michael Schidlack, Principal Researcher at the Research Association for Electrical Engineering (FE) at ZVEI e. V. and consortium leader in the SmartLivingNEXT flagship project

White paper provides information on setting up and operating networked data spaces

The SmartLivingNEXT technology program, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), focuses primarily on implementing the vision of a cross-manufacturer, sovereign and trustworthy ecosystem for all digital smart living services. The core of the SmartLivingNEXT ecosystem is the creation and operation of interconnected dataspaces. The SmartLivingNEXT Dataspace offers a standardized, technical and data-sovereign platform for the secure exchange of smart living data, in which European data protection standards are technically integrated and on the basis of which smart living services can be offered.

Whitepaper can be requested from the project office

The SmartLivingNEXT white paper was created in collaboration with teams from the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), the Research Association for Electrical Engineering in the ZVEI e.V., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) and Materna Information & Communications SE and can now be requested free of charge as a PDF from the project office at support(a)fe-zvei.zendesk.com.

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