SmartLivingNEXT synergy workshop 2024: Working together to develop solutions for cross-project issues

26. June 2024

2 minutes

On June 18, all SmartLivingNEXT projects met in Berlin for a synergy workshop. The task: to discover commonalities, relationships and dependencies between the projects of the SmartLivingNEXT technology program, to formulate relevant cross-sectional questions on intelligent services and applications and to develop joint solution strategies.

Working together to develop solutions for cross-project and cross-programme issues and making cross-sectional challenges visible: At the synergy workshop of the accompanying research SmartLivingNEXT on June 18 in Berlin, the projects of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) technology program identified commonalities, relationships and dependencies in their developments. The individual project developments were recorded in a structured manner, the most important cross-sectional issues were collected and then brought together to form a cross-project overall picture.

The result: four topics drive the projects in equal measure.

  • ConsentManagement: Data is legally protected and may not flow into the SmartLivingNEXT community without consent. Projects therefore need pragmatic technical solutions and suitable contracts in order to be able to deal efficiently with consent and its revocation.
  • Human-technology interaction: Smart living services are often used by a range of users, such as residents or their care staff, property managers or tradespeople. From a suitable approach to user-friendly development and the avoidance of discriminatory AI models: The projects must do justice to all users.
  • Measurability of added value: How can projects make the benefits of their developments measurable?
  • Connection to a shared data room: What is the best way to implement this technically and what needs to be considered?

The accompanying research contributes to meeting these challenges by working together with the projects.

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