ForeSightNEXT: The flagship project of the SmartLivingNEXT funding program

ForeSightNEXT at a glance
ForeSightNEXT takes on a blueprint function as the flagship project in the SmartLivingNEXT funding call. It supports the research projects in the funding call in integrating their intelligent services into the SmartLivingNEXT ecosystem. The basic principles developed in the flagship project will be made available via the SmartLivingNEXT Dataspace and the SmartLivingNEXT Toolbox and tested for their practical suitability in two use cases. The project remit also includes the development of a governance structure and the evaluation of suitable business models that support a sustainable, viable smart living ecosystem.
The flagship project builds on the results of the previous ForeSight research project.
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“In the SmartLivingNEXT flagship project, the value creation potential is not geared towards individual operators, but rather is opened up to the entire community.”
Michael Schidlack, Principal Researcher at the Research Association for Electrical Engineering at ZVEI e. V. and project manager in the SmartLivingNEXT flagship project.

ForeSightNEXT – Details
Digital applications in the field of energy efficiency help to reduce the consumption of electricity, heating, (hot) water and cooling without restricting living comfort. These can be solutions that actively intervene in the appliances or systems (energy management) or solutions that visualize and/or evaluate consumption – ideally in real time (energy transparency). The SmartLivingNEXT flagship project is developing an energy efficiency data portal that will serve as a national access point for all energy-related data. By integrating data from various players in the building and energy sector as well as public administration, the portal also enables visualization and AI-supported analysis and evaluation of energy consumption data.
Intelligent assistance refers to applications that support our everyday life, recognize the needs and health status of users, and can provide individual assistance based on this in order to improve the living situation and living comfort, possibly with the involvement of care staff or relatives. These include:
- Simple comfort functions to support everyday life
- Applications for the prevention and improvement of health status
- Applications to support the care of people in need of assistance/care
The project aims to develop intelligent assistance services that recognize absence and presence patterns in the household. Sensors can be used to identify emerging assistance needs such as deteriorating mobility or night-time restlessness. The data can provide valuable additions for nursing and medical interventions and help people to stay in their own homes for longer.
Consortium partners of the SmartLivingNEXT flagship project

Associated partners of the SmartLivingNEXT flagship project