SmartLivingNEXT workshop: “Saarland community project”

18. June 2024

3 minutes

On Monday, June 10, 2024, a workshop was held on the premises of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and DudoPark Saarbrücken. The aim: to discuss smart living solutions for Saarland that can be implemented as part of SmartLivingNEXT.


Employees from six organizations were represented – Materna, Stadtwerke Saarbrücken (SWSB), German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), DudoPark, Gesellschaft für Innovation und Unternehmensförderung (GIU) and Hager. At the beginning of the workshop, the SmartLivingNEXT dataspace was presented as a national access point for smart living data collected in the technology program, a federated catalog and software modules currently under development (mobile app, web portal). The vision for the community project in Saarland was also discussed. In this context, the SWSB presented planned trial areas in Saarland and informed the participants about planned regional activities, both within SmartLivingNEXT and beyond.

The workshop pursued important objectives, including the presentation of a schedule for the development of the Saarland community project, coordination and role definition, coordination of the storyline and the definition of specific joint use cases. Against this background, several questions were discussed. Where do data rooms already play a role in energy-related business models? What technical hurdles could data rooms overcome in a smart living ecosystem? Where could workshop participants help to optimize or open up new business models?

Vision for a networked, innovative Saarland

The all-day event, which also served as an opportunity to get to know each other and network, concluded with a tour of the planned DudoPark premises. This quarter in Saarbrücken-Dudweiler, which covers around 5,000 square meters and has 15 buildings, is a living and working space and serves as a creative development site for innovative ideas. As part of SmartLivingNEXT, sensors and intelligent measuring systems are to be installed there for the implementation of heat protection and assistance scenarios. “The workshop was a great opportunity to shape our vision for a networked, innovative Saarland together. By working closely together and sharing our diverse expertise, we create the basis for exciting, forward-looking projects. I am looking forward to working with such a committed and competent team on the implementation of our common goals,” summarized Alexander Löffler from SWSB, who had invited us to this meeting.

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