Artificial intelligence for sustainable living and residential environments

SmartLivingNEXT – Forschung für ein Smart-Living-Ökosystem

SmartLivingNEXT creates the first manufacturer-independent, sovereign and trustworthy ecosystem for all digital smart living services and ensures Europe’s data sovereignty.

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SmartLivingNEXT creates an AI-based ecosystem for the Smart Living domain. The core is a secure access point to all relevant data in residential buildings. Its open and slim structure allows the development of intelligent smart living services to be simplified and made more sustainable.Residential buildings. Proven digital technologies already used in residential buildings can be integrated and combined in the data ecosystem. The semantic dataspace concept pursued in the project leaves data in its original environment and provides the SmartLivingNEXT community with AI-supported basic services for data analysis, forecasting and pattern recognition. The ForeSightNEXT flagship project provides the necessary catalogs, tools and connectors. Six other SmartLivingNEXT projects are conducting parallel research into the implementation of specific use cases, primarily in the areas of energy and assistance.
SmartLivingNEXT is a call for funding applications carried out by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)) on the basis of the “Development of Digital Technologies” funding program. Funding of around 25 million euros is available in the overall program.

SmartLivingNEXT – The first universal and AI-based ecosystem for all digital smart living services according to European values.


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Whitepaper SmartLivingNEXT

The white paper contains the guideline and reference framework for the future technical development of the SmartLivingNEXT Dataspace and the desired governance structure. It was created with the collaboration of teams from German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), the Research Association for Electrical Engineering at ZVEI e.V., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) and Materna Information & Communications SE. You can have the white paper sent to you as a PDF. Please contact our project office at

Smart living on course for growth


Millions of European households will use smart living applications by 2025.


Global sales from Smart Living will amount to billion euros by 2025.

Figures based on data from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

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Become a partner of SmartLivingNEXT

Associated partners accompany SmartLivingNEXT throughout its entire duration and actively support the objectives of the call for funding applications. Numerous companies and institutions have already expressed their interest in participating as associated project partners.

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